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Custom Enchant


A Custom Enchant is an Advanced Enchant in Minecrush Network. You can acquire it by purchasing a rank, a crate key, or acquire by /eshop command (Coming Soon). Please, take a look at this list of enchantment and it's function, so you don't make the wrong choice.

Weapon (Sword, Axe)

Custom Enchant Ability
Aerial Damage Increases while in air
Backstab Damage Increase when hit enemies in the back
Blessed Grants a chance to remove harmful effects during combat
Blind Inflicts Blindness upon hitting enemies
Charge Damage increases while sprinting
Cripple Inflicts Nausea and Slowness upon hitting enemy
Deathbringer Increases damage inflicted
Deep Wounds Inflict on enemies deep wounds that cause bleeding
Gooey Flings enemy into the air
Lifesteal Steals health upon hitting enemy
Poison Inflicts Poison upon hitting enemies
Vampire Converts damage dealt into health
Wither Inflicts Wither on enemies

Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Legging, and Boot)

Custom Enchant Ability
Anti-Knockback Reduces knockback per armor piece
Armored Sword-inflicted damage is reduced
Berserker Gain strength when low on health
Cactus Deal damage to nearby enemies
Cloaking Gain invisibility when hit
Cursed Inflicts Wither upon hitting enemy
Drunk Inflicts Slowness, Mining Fatigue, and Nausea upon hitting enemy
Endershift Gain Speed and Absorption when low on health
Enlighted Gain Regeneration when hit
Forcefield Deflects projectiles and living entities in a radius dependent on enchantment level
Frozen Inflicts Slowness upon hitting enemy
Grow Increases size on sneak (Must be wearing full set of Grow armor)
Hardened Inflicts Weakness upon hitting enemy
Heavy Axe-inflicted damage is reduced
Molten Sets an enemy on fire when hit
Obsidian Shield Gain Fire Resistance while equipped
Overload Gives extra health (stackable)
Poisoned Inflicts Poison when hit by an enemy
Poisonous Cloud Creates a cloud of poison around entity, giving poison to anyone who enters
Revive Gain another life, but removes a level from armor
Revulsion Inflicts Nausea for when hit by an enemy
Shielded Gives Resistance while worn (stackable)
Shrink Decreases size on sneak (Must be wearing full set of Shrink armor)
Tank Decreases damage from bows

Helmet Exclusive

Custom Enchant Ability
Anti-Toxin Grants immunity to poison
Focused Negates or reduces the effects of nausea
Glowing Gain Night Vision while equipped
Implants Replenishes hunger and air when moving
Meditation Replenishes health and hunger every 20 seconds when not moving

Chestplate Exclusive

Custom Enchant Ability
Enraged Gain Strength while equipped
Parachute Slows your descent above 3 blocks
Prowl Gain Invisibility and Slowness while sneaking
Spider Ability to climb walls

Boot Exclusive

Custom Enchant Ability
Gears Gain Speed while equipped
Springs Gain a small jump boost
Stomp Deal damage to enemy when taking fall damage


Custom Enchant Ability
Auto-Aim Automatically aims to the nearest target
Blaze Shoots blazing fireballs
Grappling Pulls you to the arrow. If enemy is hit, the enemy will be pulled to you
Headhunter Headshots deal more damage
Healing Heals target for inflicted damage + extra health
Molotov Starts a fire where arrow lands
Paralyze Inflicts Slowness, Blindness, and Weakness upon hitting enemies
Piercing Ignores armor when dealing damage
Volley Shoots multiple arrows in a cone shape

Tools (Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Shovel)

Custom Enchant Ability
Energizing Gain Haste when a block is broken
Haste Gain Haste while tool is held
Oxygenate Gain Water Breathing while item is held
Quickening Gain Speed for upon breaking block
Smelting Automatically smelts drop when block is broken

Hoe Exclusive

Custom Enchant Ability
Farmer Automatically replaces seeds when crop is broken
Fertilizer Tills land in a radius dependent on enchantment level
Harvest Harvest crops in a radius dependent on enchantment level


Custom Enchant Ability
Autorepair Items automatically repair while moving
Lucky Charm Increases activation chance of reactive enchantments
Soulbound Keeps item after death, but removes a level from armor

Some enchantments are unavailable (such as Telepathy, Disarmor, Self-Destruct, Missile, Driller, etc.) Due to a plugin bug and incompatible to use in the server. We hope you can understand. Good Luck and Hope you don't make the wrong choice!